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to try this guide for free.

Sign Up for an Account

First, you need to create a SiteBay account to start using our services. If you already have a SiteBay account, you can skip to the next section.

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to If you are not already logged in to an account, the Create an Account form is displayed.

  2. Enter your email address and a strong password. Alternatively, you can sign up using your existing Apple, Google or GitHub/GitLab account. When using another provider, you are prompted for a username in a separate step.

    Account passwords must be a minimum of 11 characters in length and be sufficiently complex. Each password is individually analyzed by an algorithmic tool to determine it’s strength. When creating a password, follow the recommendations listed below:

    • Password should be at least 11 characters in length (though longer passwords are considered stronger).
    • Avoid using simple passwords based on dictionary words.
    • Use a mixture of unpredictable uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
    • Avoid repeating characters (aaa), sequences (abcd), and keyboard patterns (qwerty).
  3. A confirmation email is sent to your email address shortly after. Click the link in that email to confirm your email address.

Testing things out? Use one of our test subdomains.

Make a new site Launch Time: Name your site, set WordPress login details, and launch.

Understand Billing

SiteBay services are billed to your primary payment method at your cycle reset date

Keep in mind that charges will accrue for any active service, even if it is powered off or otherwise not in use. This includes WordPress Sites that have been powered off as well as any service you might have added to the account but are not using.

Explore SiteBay Guides

SiteBay offers extensive documentation. This not only includes guides for WordPress and web services, but general guides.

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